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Uttarakhand Gramin Vikas  Society (UGVS) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Block Supervisor vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

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Changing SEO Strategies After Google Penguin

The Google Penguin algorithm update is the latest spam-fighting wave to crash against the shore of search and it has heralded something of a new dawn for SEO, especially in terms of offsite strategy.

In 2011, Google ran an algorithm update, known as the Panda update. It may sound cute and cuddly, but the Panda update was the first major algorithm update to focus on the quality on of onsite content -- pushing sites with rich content and a great user experience to the top of its search rankings, and relegating low-quality sites to the bottom.
Whilst the Panda algorithm, which is still refreshing 18 months on, is arguably more concerned with onsite factors, its not-too-distant relative, Google Penguin, was designed to focus on the other significant realm of SEO: offsite.

The Google Penguin update has led to the ice cracking under many websites tried and tested offsite strategies, which until now have involved the use of a high quantity of low-quality links.

Google has long advised web users to make sure their content adheres to the "Google Webmaster Guidelines," and the presence of the heavily referred to "Web Spam team" has contributed to the common consensus the days of low-level linkbuilding were numbered. Indeed, with the rise of personalized search and social signals seeming to be an increasing factor in ranking, it could be argued those SEO-ers who have not started to adapt their strategy could be left out in the cold.

It was around mid-March 2012 that webmasters began to receive messages warning of detected unnatural links pointing to domains, and gave advice on how to spot them:
"...artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site which could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass Page Rank or participating in link schemes."

Search personalities such as Google's Matt Cutts and SEOmoz's Rand Fishkin have long spoken against using the black hat techniques of high volume, low-quality linkbuilding, but this was a first from Google, in the sense of the volume of sites contacted.

Over 700,000 messages were sent by the end of Q1 -- more than the whole of 2011 and for many, this represented the beginning of the end for many SEOers current offsite strategies. And if it didn't, the ranking drops and the subsequent Webmaster Tools messages should have.

"We encourage you to make changes to your site so that it meets our quality guidelines. Once you've made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google's search results."

Now, Google's initial messages sent in March 2012 were the equivalent of an organic visibility death sentence, but their hard-lined message was blurred when a new wave of messages were sent in July, only this time sites which hadn't been participating in shady link schemes were receiving them too.

How could a site which had never built any links be receiving such messages?

Matt Cutts was quick on the scene and cleared things up via his Google+ account, insisting the latest batch of messages were not to induce panic, but were sent as a transparency exercise to allow greater clarity as to what Google likes and doesn't like. Another round of Webmaster messages were sent insisting Google would only take action against specific links which contravened their guidelines, and not on the domain as a whole (as they previously did back in March).

1) Identifying possible links that may contravene the Google Webmaster Guidelines, contacting the sites and requesting that these links be removed. Google has de-indexed a substantial portion of "spammy" sites, so removing these links from your site should become a top priority before a site could/should be submitted for a reconsideration request.

Since so many historical links pointing to a site had been de-valued or de-indexed, all previous link equity would have been removed, thus weakening the authority and trust of your site.

How could a severely weakened offsite profile be strong again?

2) Agreeing and implementing a new content-focused strategy built around engagement with relevant communities.

The ideal way of obtaining natural links is by creating content that is so useful/informative/entertaining that it begs to be shared, retweeted, '+1'd, and embedded on blogs that attract the same demographic of users that visit your site. This might also mean some actual natural traffic from your offsite efforts (something low-level linkbuilding does not provide!).
Creating content to be shared is a longer-term strategy than the quick fix of buying low-level links. But a natural strategy should engage the right audience along the way, moving SEO into the realm of more creative marketing. It also means that the great content which has been produced can take on a life of its own and be shared and linked to long after its inception.
Guest blogging, too, is a natural way of building brand recognition. Partnership with popular blogs in your industry means that more people will read your content, and the potential for natural back links, and natural traffic as a result of this, should not be underestimated.
So, Google Penguin has arrived and ruffled the feathers of SEO and offsite strategies. With so much great, unique content being shared such as infographics, widgets and videos, Google deemed now the perfect time to rid its index of low quality sites with low quality content, destabilising many offsite strategies, and penalizing those who implemented them.
For SEO offsite strategy, it means adopting a longer term strategy revolving around unique, high-quality content and utilizing social platforms to drive engagement and exposure. Creativity should be at the heart of offsite strategies moving forward, and if it isn't you may well be left out in the cold... like a Penguin.

How Social Media Marketing Strategies Benefit Your SEO

Google used to find useful content by keyword relevancy. However, Google is now using Google Social Search to endorse useful and relevant links. Links that are shared by people you know now carry more weight than simple keyword ranking.

             You can go from number 30 in the search engine results to number 3 just because someone in your Google+ circles shared your link.

A link from a high ranking website can jump your post from number 9 to number 1. Clearly, we can’t afford to ignore Social Media any more.

The benefit here is that any business can rank high in the search engines regardless of their look or size.
You should already be using Social Media as a marketing strategy. However, now is the time to make sure Social Media helps your search engine optimization. Failure to use social media can cost you dearly. Your website will simply be lost in the crowd.

Here are steps you can take immediately.
1. Get a Google+ Presence Immediately
Google+ has become too important for search engine optimization to ignore. Even G+ posts, related pages and users are displaying in normal search results. When you jump a few places in the search engine rankings because someone put you in a circle, you will realize the benefit.

2. Concentrate on Increasing Your Followers and Building Relationships
Articles you write and thoughts you share can now appear in the search engine search results of your followers, even if they don’t belong to the social or bookmarking site you used to share the link. The search engines see your friendships on other networks. This means your online relationships now have a huge impact on your search engine search results.
It is therefore in your best interest to have more friends and followers on the major social networking sites.

3. Start Posting Your Articles on Social Media Straight Away
Posting your new article links to the major social networking sites now helps your blog to get indexed faster. The last blog I made for a client was indexed within a week.
To get indexed even faster, you need to make the posting automatic. You can use a service like Onlywire for this.

4. Focus on Sharing Your Content with Your Followers

Sharing your blog posts and having your friends share them to their networks makes your posts go viral which means the networks of your friends will be able to see and share them too. This will boost your search engine results tremendously.

5. Add Like and +1 Buttons to Absolutely Everything
Even advertisements now have +1 buttons next to them.

6. Use “Rel=me” & “Rel=author” Tags
Ask your web designer to add the “Rel=me” and “Rel=author” tags to your “single.php” file to tell the search engines that you are the author of your work. This will cause your photo to appear next to your article in the search results. and will encourage people who like what they read to click on your photo and connect with you.

7. Get a Pinterest Account
Pinterest is fast becoming a force to be reckoned with and gives higher search engine results than Twitter, apparently. For this to work, you need to optimize each picture with a keyword.

8. Add Social Media Buttons to Your Site

You need to have social media buttons at the bottom of every post so that people who like your content have a way of sharing it. You need the usual ones like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ but also Pinterest and Stumbleupon.

Again, Onlywire is quite good and if you install the Onlywire Plugin to your blog, all the social media and bookmarking buttons are there and people just need to open it and click on the one they want.
Because social media is becoming increasingly important in search engine results, you owe it to yourself and your business to get a social media strategy in place.

Latest Google Update Panda 3.9.1

Over the past few days, even as far back as last Friday, I noticed a lot of chatter on a possible Google update.

So yesterday, after returning from my family vacation, I emailed Google to confirm that an update was indeed happening. Shortly after receiving my email, they replied that they just confirmed it via Twitter.
Google said they rolled out a minor Panda refresh this past Monday on August 20th. This refresh only impacted less than 1% of search queries according to Google.

The previous Panda refresh was a month prior on July 24th.
I did receive emails from a few people who asked me to verify that this was a Panda refresh. Because they saw changes on their Panda penalized (pandalized) sites and wanted to know if they finally broke out of that penalty. Here is a screen shot from one site that recovered with this update:

Here are the past Panda refreshes and updates:
  • Panda 3.9.1 on August 20th
  • Panda 3.9 on July 24th
  • Panda 3.8 on June 25th
  • Panda 3.7 on June 9th
  • Panda 3.6 on April 27th
  • Panda 3.5 on April 19th
  • Panda 3.4 on March 23rd
  • Panda 3.3 on about February 26th
  • Panda 3.2 on about January 15th
  • Panda 3.1 on November 18th
  • Panda 2.5.3 on October 19/20th
  • Panda 2.5.2 on October 13th
  • Panda 2.5.1 on October 9th
  • Panda 2.5 on September 28th
  • Panda 2.4 in August
  • Panda 2.3 on around July 22nd.
  • Panda 2.2 on June 18th or so.
  • Panda 2.1 on May 9th or so.
  • Panda 2.0 on April 11th or so.
  • Panda 1.0 on February 24th

Why Unnatural Links Are Harming Small Businesses

If Google is suspicious of a site they can take manual action, where a member of the support team manually delists the site from the search results. When a warning is sent out to a site it is given a time frame of about six months to alter and delete malignant unnatural links. The owners of the site are then urged to submit a reconsideration request. Without this request the site will reach its expiration date.

After a site is tagged for unnatural links their rankings on search engine pages will generally dramatic decrease, and this can have a drastic affect on small businesses that operate online. Small companies without SEO technicians to help the company’s products fall into the lap of the searcher and work to to dissolve unnatural links are then left at the mercy of dropping search results. Without this key lead generation channel, many small businesses are doomed.

What Can Small Business Do About Unnatural Links?

What affected businesses can do to improve their rankings on search engine pages and site traffic is to begin a detox of unnatural links from their individual sites. You can download your backlinks and sort by date to get an idea of what kind of recent link activity is attached to your site.

It is particularly beneficial for businesses to utilize the Google Webmaster Guidelines located on Google’s support page to distinguish what is profitable for page rankings and what will lower a site’s ranking.
For instance on Google’s support page they frown against most but not all purchased links – since most purchased links are unnatural. Google advises webmasters to include a “rel=nofollow” attribute on links purchased for advertising, so they know the link isn’t intended to manipulate search results. Alternatively those links can be redirected to an intermediate page that is blocked from search engines with a robots.txt file.

Another way for companies to stay in Google’s search results and good graces is to hire trained personnel to get unnatural links deleted, or, as an economically friendlier option, utilize sites such as, and These sites claim to specialize in assisting other sites that have run into trouble with unnatural links – but tread cautiously. You want to be very careful not to delete natural, beneficial links, because destroying your link profile could have an equally negative effect on your site’s rankings.

Google Penguin Update Sends Slew of Unnatural Link Warnings

Unnatural Link Warnings

In “a step towards transparency,” Google webmasters initiated a series of warnings to sites against spammy activity and sketchy, manipulative links better known as unnatural links. On July 19, a confusing link warning was sent to a large number of sites. Google’s Matt Cutts posted on his Google+ account soon after to address the SEO hysteria:
If you received a message yesterday about unnatural links to your site, don’t panic. In the past, these messages were sent when we took action on a site as a whole … For example we may take this kind of targeted action to distrust hacked links pointing to an innocent site. The innocent site will get the message as we move towards more transparency, but it’s not necessarily something that you automatically need to worry about.
Despite the internet storm the announcement caused among SEO’s, some marketers were left wondering. 

what exactly is an unnatural link

Generally, unnatural links are artificial links mainly intended to manipulate a page’s ranking. These can include purchased links or links created by scrapers and spammers that attach themselves to your site under the radar and potentially link your site to another in a bad neighborhood of the internet.
Unnatural links became a Google target after their Penguin update in mid-April of 2012. The algorithm update was established to penalize sites for low-quality links, over-optimized anchor text and keyword stuffing – all tactics that Google considers unfair and unbeneficial to users. As a result of the recent upgrade, all negative SEO and questionable page ranking tactics have been targeted, but at what cost?

Top Techniques for SEO professionals

Techniques for improving SEO are constantly changing with search engines regularly refining how they understand and rank websites. So here are some tips on how to give search engines a greater understanding of your website and the keyword phrases you are targeting.

The homepage is often ‘the gateway’ to the rest of your website – if your homepage does not give search engines clear and informed access into the rest of the website, this can hinder your efforts to improve SEO. Therefore, make sure your most important pages are easily recognizable and accessible from your homepage. Your home page is the most important page of your website.

Ensure Your Web Pages Load Quickly
Search engines (particularly Google) use site speed in web search ranking. After all, who wants to click onto a website from search engines which takes far too long to load?! There are various techniques which can be applied to improve page load throughout your website. Some of these include; keeping image file size to a minimum, avoiding too many animated elements on your pages, and consider using YouTube or Vimeo to host and handle the load required for any videos on your websites.

Sitemap Page
This is a page that exists to provide search engines (and your website visitors) with an overview of your website and how all the pages are linked together.

A blog (or advice section) on your website is a great way to grow your website and provide search engines with new information related to the keyword phrases you are targeting. There are many ways in which a blog or advice section can benefit SEO.

Clearly Defined Headings and Introductions
Throughout your website, ensure that each page has a clearly defined heading and (ideally) an opening paragraph. Within the code of your pages, these headings should be placed within what’s called the HTML header tags.
Link Related Content/Pages
Throughout your website, you are likely to have certain pages which are different yet closely related to one another. It is therefore important that these pages are appropriately linked to one another. In doing so, you provide search engines with a better overall understanding of your website (similar to the purpose of a Sitemap page).
Be Cautious With Link Exchanges
Search engines are far more clever than what they were years ago and are likely to penalize your website if you link with suspicious websites, or websites lacking in quality. Therefore, only link to another website if there is a genuine reason for it, and provided the website appears to be genuine and of good quality.
Make Sure You Have Content for the Keyword Phrases You Want to Target
There is no use in hoping for, or attempting to gain, strong search engine positions for keyword phrases which are not related to any of the content on your website. If you want to rank highly for a particular keyword phrase, there are a number of steps and processes (both initially and ongoing) which you’ll need to implement; however, to have any chance at all, you must have at least one page on your website which provides content specifically related to that keyword phrase.

Utilize Social Media Networks

Getting your business established on relevant social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) is a great way to engage with potential customers/clients, and to naturally build incoming links to your website. When considering social media as a technique for improving SEO, it’s important that you first take into consideration which social networks are relevant for your business, and which would most effectively allow you to reach your target market. The great benefit of social media for SEO is that once you are providing fresh, engaging and informative content to your subscribers, they are likely to share your website content with others.

These are just some of the many key techniques to consider for improving the SEO of your website. These techniques evolve and adapt regularly, so it’s important to stay on top of knowing what techniques are worthwhile and how they should be implemented. In addition to these techniques, it’s important to remember that SEO is not just about getting traffic to your website, but also about analyzing the response to your website once it’s there. Your SEO strategy should be focused towards converting visits into sales, in addition to getting your website onto Page 1 of search engines for your most relevant keyword phrases.